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I see each client as complete, Divine, and whole... recognizing that transformation encompasses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms.


Frequency Alignment Reiki Session 


Reiki is a gentle, light touch or above the body vibrational energy technique that increases the vital life-force energy in the body as well as clears and balances the energy field/chakras. Energy flows through the practitioner to the client.

The Japanese word Reiki is defined as Rei, spiritual wisdom, and Ki, life energy. the non-physical energy that animates all living things. It works with your mind, body and spirit. When your life energy is low or restricted in some way, you are more susceptible to illness. When it flows freely and is high, you are less likely to get sick. Life force energy is also the energy behind your emotions, thoughts and spiritual self.

What are some of the benefits received from reiki?

Deep peace
Promotes healing
Reduces stress
Promotes psychological healing
Helps relieve headaches, insomnia, pain and anxiety
Releasing fear, anger, sadness, worry and grief

Sound may also be used to clear physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and karmic energy.              

60 minutes

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CranioSacral/SER Therapy


CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The craniosacral rhythm can be felt through out the body and tells you where the system is operating normally or abnormally.

SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy to help rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma. The body creates energy cysts by localizing pain in specific areas to protect itself. Part of SER is locating and releasing energy cysts and releaseing suppressed emotions that may be inhibiting complete structural release. Accessing and mobilizing the Avenue of expression. Also using imagery and dialogue, integrating CST with what Carl Jung called "active imagination" to bridge the gap between the non-conscious and conscious mind.

60 minutes

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Chakra Therapeutics

A chakra healing session is a holistic therapy designed to balance, align, and clear the body's energy centers, known as chakras. The body's energy centers influence physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Looking at your astrology chart, your energetic blueprint, gives me insights into your habits, patterns, & tendencies before your session begins. Your session Includes a consultation, in-depth assessment, chakra clearing & balancing, and energy healing techniques which may include: reiki, crystal healing, sound therapy, guided visualization, breathwork, or yoga. Your session ends with time for integration, insights and some recommendations for after-care to maintain balance in your chakra system.

60 minutes

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Sacred Sound Frequency Alchemy® Sound Immersion Individual Session

Imagine yourself surrounded by instruments of sound healing. Experience the magical process of transformation and creation using sound and frequency to initiate and facilitate personal growth and evolution. Connecting you with your innate ability to heal and return to your natural state of harmony. Deeply relax, clearing outdated patterns in the physical, subtle, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

The tones and frequencies of the planetary gongs & singing bowls, crystal alchemy bowls, ocean drum, celestial chimes, tuning forks and other sound healing tools weave and layer sound into a crystalline grid and hologram of awakening, healing, and aligning of your multi-dimensional self and allow for opening cosmic/spiritual portals of planetary and 5th dimensional frequencies.

Your experience will be completely unique to you. Allow yourself to be completely present and open to your highest and best. It will be customized to your specific intention.

60 minutes

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Sacred Sound Frequency Alchemy® Sound Immersion: Private Small Group Session

This is the private session version, group of 2-4, of a Sacred Sound Frequency Alchemy® Sound Immersion that is offered as a group meditation.

Experience the magical process of transformation and creation using sound and frequency to initiate and facilitate personal growth and evolution. Connecting you with your innate ability to heal and return to your natural state of harmony. Deeply relax, clearing outdated patterns in the physical, subtle, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

The tones and frequencies of the planetary gongs & singing bowls, crystal alchemy bowls, ocean drum, celestial chimes, tuning forks and other sound healing tools weave and layer sound into a crystalline grid and hologram of awakening, healing, and aligning of your multi-dimensional self and allow for opening cosmic/spiritual portals of planetary and 5th dimensional frequencies.

Your experience will be completely unique to you. Allow yourself to be completely present and open to your highest and best. It will be customized to your specific group intention.

60 minutes

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Sound Table Experience

The Magic Carpet Sound Table promotes deep relaxation and the unwinding of tension throughout the body, mind and emotions, returning you to a more complete state of being. Experience whole-body hearing as you are enveloped in a cocoon of  sound frequencies within and without, bypassing the censor of the conscious mind.

Calm and engage the parasympathetic nervous system directly as frequency and vibration resonate in every cell of your body. You will  experience a gentle massage as the speakers and subwoofers vibrate the table with specific frequencies that bathe the body in vibration. You hear and feel the sound on all levels simultaneously which enhances the therapeutic effect of sound therapy.

30 minutes

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Cosmic Akashic Records Attunement

These cosmic records are vibrational in nature, a frequency, influencing our lives in the area of relationship, purpose, belief systems, feelings, and what we attract to us.

A personal Cosmic Akashic Attunement may assist you in healing and clearing your personal records and gaining clarity on your journey, for the highest good of the spiritual evolution of your soul’s purpose.

In this session, I access the Akashic Library to energetically read and intuitively interpret the record coming forward for you. I will also identify the doorway you stepped through into this world and your current pathway at this time (using your birthdate and numerology). We will discuss it and use guided meditation together to bring insight, to release and clear, and heal what no longer serves you. Also recognizing timelines, frequencies and vibrational codes to assist and support your journey. Sound frequencies may also be used in this process.


This session also includes:


An activation or regression

Your key elements and how to apply them

Your Western Astrology Chart

Planetary/Starseed influences

For this session I will need your birthdate, time and location of birth.

45 minutes

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Soul Purpose & Cosmic Alignment Astrology Reading


Discover your cosmic lineage through your birth chart.


You are a Divine Soul with infinite potential. Your Vedic Astrology chart is the map of your Soul’s purpose and journey here on Earth, revealing who you are, who you came to be, and what you can accomplish.

I’ll calculate your birth chart with your name, date of birth, location of birth (city, state, country) and your EXACT time of birth. I will need this information 12-24 hours in advance of your appointment to personally interpret your birth chart. I do not use any sort of program to interpret your chart, your reading will be completely unique to you.


In addition to your birth chart, we look at the progression of your chart through current transits or even a specific moment in time in the future, and discuss career, relationships, health, spirituality, life purpose or anything else you may have a specific question about.


Once you have had an initial reading, you may want to receive an update each year around your birthday as the sun returns to its exact position when you were born to gain insight into the next 12 months. As you discover the opportunities and/or challenges that may be present in the year ahead, you can best choose what your primary focus will be and direct your energy there accordingly.


Your astrology reading can be done by Zoom from any location or in person.

For this session I will need your birthdate, time and location of birth.

60 minutes

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Resonance Reset ™

* A Signature Service


Harnessing the essence of cosmic energies and personal intuition, I delve into the tapestry of the subtle energy realm. Through a fusion of modalities like astrology, numerology, and chakra therapeutics, I create a custom energy map, guiding individuals to align with their Higher Self. Grounded in self-awareness and exploration, I facilitate journeys of discovery, tapping into the wisdom of the Akashic records and employing techniques such as breathwork and somato emotional release. Utilizing reiki, art therapy, and sound healing, I foster profound transformations, supported by guided meditations and spiritual coaching. In this sacred space, empowerment flourishes, paving the way for profound growth and spiritual evolution.


Please schedule a 10-15 minute Signature Service Consult Call with me 24 hours prior to your appointment so we can customize your experience.



90 minutes

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